Samir Shukla, founder of the site said, " provides wide choice of sellers and buyers to people of the state. It is the first real estate portal exclusively for Gujarat and of Gujarat, focusing on the rural sector."
Unlike larger digital real estate portals which focus their operations on metro cities, LeVech.Com, according to Shukla, will target all major districts, talukas and villages of the state, giving access to sellers and buyers a bigger platform.
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"The site is an automated real estate portal allowing people to garner information from the portal by itself," Shukla said, adding that it will display information in regional language as well as in English.
Information regarding auxiliary services, which a buyer of a property generally requires, will be also be uploaded on the site, he said.
He said that though the real estate market is stagnant under present market conditions and taking time to revive, its long-term prospects are bright.
Shukla stated that a similar platform for automobiles and commercial vehicles would soon be launched.