“Only 10 per cent apps globally do very well,” said Annie Mathew, director of Research In Motion India Private Limited, the BlackBerry maker's Indian subsidiary. This has been a norm irrespective of whether the apps are developed in India or elsewhere, according to her.
Those apps that get neither downloads nor reviews are now being branded as zombies. However, this fact doesn't seem to have any kind of impact on the new application development, she said here today.
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Mathew said India was an important market for BlackBerry for reasons including application development as 10-15 per cent apps out of the total global apps developed for the company's mobile platform came from here. BlackBerry 10 platform, which was launched in February this year, enjoys over 125,000 lakh apps base exclusively designed for the new operating system (OS) of which 17,000 apps have been developed by Indian startups.
She said the company would continue to support the present 7 OS using technologies to build bridges between the old and new mobile operating system that was launched in New York in January. The new OS takes the mobile connectivity to a new level, including connected homes and connected automobiles, according to her.