Sale of its fashion format Pantaloons to Aditya Birla Nuvo will conclude in the current quarter which will transfer debt of Rs 1,600 crore to the new entity. The demerger and listing of fashion company Future Lifestyle Fashion, which will result in the shifting another Rs 1,200 crore debt to the new company, is likely to take place by June quarter, the executive said. The sale of insurance arm, which will reduce the debt by another Rs 800 crore, is likely to complete by June quarter, he said.
The company's total debt stood at Rs 5500 crore in the quarter ending December 31, 2012.
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Kishore Biyani, managing director of the company, could not be contacted for comments.
Pantaloon holds 10% stake in Capital First (Future Capital Holdings) and 19% in Future Lifestyle Fashions.."With sale of stake in insurance arms, we are done with divestments. We do not have immediate plans of selling anything. We will look at selling residual stakes in some of the investments in case of private placement or anything else." he said.