The Rs 1,000 crore Percept group is re-entering the market research business as a part of its plan to be an integrated communications company. |
Shailendra Singh, joint managing director, said, " It is essential that to provide a complete communication solution to our client, we need the support of a strong research. When backed by research we would be able to offer services at a premium." |
According to Singh, this would be a second innings for the group in market research. Its first attempt was 10 years ago which did not succeed greatly. |
This time around, however, the company plans to build the division on its own and then look for a strategic partner as it did in the case of outdoor media. |
This company today announced a strategic tie-up with the world's largest out-of-home media planning and buying company, Posterscope. |
As per the tie-up, Aegis Group has picked up a 49 per cent stake in Percept Out of Home (POOH). The company has been renamed as Posterscope India. |
Percept, however, will retain management control of Posterscope. This is Percept's second alliance with the Aegis Group, the first was Carat, a media buying agency. |