"The company has bagged two contracts aggregating to Rs 516.17 crore from Public Health Engineering Department, Rajasthan for water supply schemes to villages in Ajmer and Bharatpur", the company said in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange.
One of the orders worth Rs 292.49 crore awarded by PHED, Ajmer, the company said, pertains to "work of cluster scheme of 213 villages of Jahajpur and Kotri Tehsils under Chambal-Bhilwara water supply project phase II with operation and maintenance for 10 years."
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The other Rs 223.68 crore order involves regional water supply scheme of 226 villages of Bharatpur.
The contract under design, build, operation and maintenance mode, with defect liability period of one year after completion of works, is scheduled to be completed in 30 months from the date of commencement.
Pratibha Industries is engaged in the business of integrated infrastructure solutions.
The shares of the company were trading at Rs 22.90 apiece, up 7.51% from the previous close on the BSE at 12.45 pm.