Total revenue for the period has moved to Rs 316.7 crore from last year corresponding period level of Rs 173.9 crore, with an increase of 82 per cent.
"Company's continuous focus on increasing retail sales, rationalizing trade stocks and enhanced retail financial support by Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Service Ltd helped in achieving this performance," said Anjani Kumar Choudhari, chairman, Punjab Tractors and president, Farm Equipment sector, Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd.
A press release said during the April-June 2008 period, aggregate domestic tractor industry has grown by 13 per cent reaching 85,000 tractors.
PTL registered a growth of 77 per cent with tractor billing for the first quarter reaching 8,954 tractors compared to 5065 tractors billed during the corresponding quarter of last year.