Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) saved about Rs 31 crore in 2004-05 by implementing the quality circles (QC) suggestion, Y Sivasagar Rao, chairman and managing director, VSP, said at the annual quality circles and Srujan Vikas recognition function held here on Tuesday. |
VSP implemented 3,916 QC projects during 2004-05, which resulted in savings of Rs 14 crore while 33,058 suggestions were generated that resulted in savings of Rs 17 crore during the same period. |
Earlier, G R Murthy, deputy general manager of VSP, in his welcome address, said VSP had bagged the first prize for organisational efforts in promoting QCs at the Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council Quality Circles' national convention, Tirupati, apart from bagging the third prize for best suggestion implementing organisation at the INSSAN national convention. |
On this occasion, he released the Srujan Vikas and QC compendia of 2004-05, and also inaugurated 'management services portal' and 'online quality circle management system'. |
Rao said that in today's knowledge economy, employee involvement and empowerment have become the mantra for success. |
He complimented the management services department for propagation of participative management techniques. |