Industrialist Anil Ambani has said his group firm Reliance Infra has shortlisted road projects worth Rs 40,000 crore for bidding, while for cement business it has has applied for mining leases and prospecting licences in various parts of the country.
"The company through its special purpose vehicles has been developing 11 road projects with capital outlay of about Rs 12,000 crore of which five projects have commenced generating revenues and additional six projects would start generating revenue shortly," Reliance Infra (R-Infra) Chairman Anil Ambani said in his annual letter to shareholders.
Charting out the future growth plans, Ambani further said it "continues to explore opportunities in the road sector by shortlisting 21 projects worth Rs 40,000 crore for bidding."
For cement business, Ambani said that Reliance Cement Company Private Limited (RCCPL), a subsidiary of R-Infra, has achieved certain milestones towards setting up two plants, one in Maihar, Madhya Pradesh and the other in Mukutban, Maharashtra.
The construction of the satellite grinding unit at Butibori (Nagpur), linked to the Mukutban Project is nearing completion and is expected to commence commercial production in the later half of the current year.
"In line with RCCPL's vision to set up cement projects across India, it has applied for mining leases/prospecting licences in various parts of India," he said.
Ambani said R-Infra's power trading arm Reliance Energy Trading Limited (RETL) is targeting industrial and open-access consumers in several States as also exploring options in trading of renewable energy.
RETL is a member of power exchanges with a significant market share of exchanged traded volume and is currently engaged in trading of power from captive and independent power plants.
Ambani said R-Infra in recent years has expanded its business landscape from power generation, distribution, transmission and trading to infrastructure sectors such as roads, metros, airports and has made large investments in these areas.
The company's total income rose to Rs 18,615 crore in 2011-12, from Rs 10,210 crore. The net profit rose to Rs 2,000 crore from Rs 1,081 crore in the previous financial year.