With Tamil cinema super star Rajnikanth's latest blockbuster Sivaji - The Boss still running to packed houses in some pockets outside south India, the producers of the film have decided to dub it in Hindi and are planning a post-Diwali release."Sivaji - The Boss will be dubbed in Hindi as the response for the film in Delhi, Mumbai and other major cities outside south India has been overwhelming," said S C Babu, CEO of AVM Productions."Some portions of the film will be re-shot to cater to the Hindi-speaking audience. Rajnikanth will dedicate three to four days for the shooting," Babu told PTI from Chennai.Asked whether Rajnikanth will dub his voice in Hindi, Babu said: "Indications are that he is unlikely to do the dubbing."Swanand Kirkire is penning the dialogues for the dubbed version, and is likely to finish his work by October."We are planning a post-Diwali release. We don't want to release a dubbed version during the festive season," he said. (Reporting by E T B Sivapriyan)