Netmagic Solutions, today entered in an outsourcing partnership with Ratnakar Bank.
Netmagic will host and support infrastructure for applications such as Finacle Core Banking System, emails, file servers, branch terminal servers, treasury services, depository systems, asset liability management, internet banking, training application for Ratnakar Bank.
Netmagic will also provide security services to protect Ratnakar Bank's IT infrastructure from external threats.
Anup Purohit, senior vice president and IT head, Ratnakar Bank said, "Ratnakar Bank is committed to being a customer centric bank with the ability to extend the latest technology-enabled services to our customers in a safe and secure manner.”
Sunil Gupta, president and COO, Netmagic Solutions said, "this strategic decision on the part of the banks management will add tremendous value to customers of the bank in getting easy access to banking services that were hitherto available with only large banks.”