Anil Ambani-led Reliance Communications is believed to have filed a caveat in the Delhi High Court to ensure the court hears its side in the event of rival GSM-based mobile operators challenging the decision of Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Authority (TDSAT) on new licences and spectrum allocation.Although Cellular Operators Association of India, the GSM players lobby, has not yet approached the High Court, sources in the know of the developments said that CDMA mobile operator RCom has filed a caveat as a precautionary step.TDSAT had, on December 12, refused to stay the government's process of awarding new licences and allocating airwaves to mobile firms - a decision which existing GSM players say would hurt them.Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Essar and Idea Cellular are the major GSM players, but it is learnt that there is no consensus within the lobby over moving the High Court.