Reliance Energy (REL), an Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group company, is believed to have emerged as the highest bidder for an estimated Rs 3,000 crore project for a metro line to connect the international airport and the New Delhi railway station. A formal announcement is expected in a day or two, sources close to the development said. Reliance Energy spokesperson could not be contacted for comments. Other bidders for the project are believed to be infrastructure major Larsen & Toubro and a consortium led by GE. The project for the 22-km metro line with 3-4 stations will be the second one if REL manages to pull off the deal. Reliance Energy had won a similar project in Mumbai. Earlier, GMR Infrastructure, lead partner of the consortium managing Delhi International Airport (DIAL), had said it would bear 10% cost of the metro line that will connect the airport with the rest of the city.