The 4,000 Mw ultra mega power project (UMPP) at Krishnapatnam in Andhra Pradesh would be formally awarded to Reliance Power (RPL) on Friday. RPL, a Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group company, had bagged the imported coal based mega power plant in Krishnapatnam by bidding to supply power at an average of Rs 2.33 per unit. This was much lower than the other two bids received from Larsen &Toubro (which bid Rs 2.68 per unit) and Sterlite (which bid Rs 4.18 per unit).Krishnapatnam UMPP is the third in the line of nine such 4,000 Mw projects conceived by the government to fast-track power capacity addition through tariff-based competitive bidding. This is the second UMPP of 4,000 Mw for Reliance Power, which is also constructing the Sasan UMPP in Madhya Pradesh. Another imported coal based mega power plant in Mundra, Gujarat is being built by Tata Power.