The company also plans to monetize its roads business. The roads business comprises 11 revenue-generating projects of about 1,000 km across seven states. The roads business has attracted preliminary interest from strategic and portfolio institutional investors in India and overseas.
The Decision to sell the cement business and monetise roads was taken at the meeting of the board of directors of RInfra on Wednesday. In its filing to national stock exchange and the BSE, the company said the due diligence process to sell the cement business had been commenced.
Reliance Cement is a fully-owned subsidiary of RInfra and has a total installed capacity of 5.8 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). Of this, 2.8 mtpa is at the flagship unit in Maihar Madhya Pradesh that was commissioned last year. The remaining units are in Kundaganj (UP) and Butiburi in Maharastra.