In view of the recent attacks on its agri-retail stores in West Bengal, Reliance Retail, a Reliance Industries group company, is planning to go slow on the roll-out of Reliance Fresh outlets in the state.Reliance Retail has also approached Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee with its concerns over the developments."We have communicated to the chief minister our concerns regarding the attacks on Reliance Fresh outlets in the city and state," Reliance Industries eastern region head Kalyan Sarangi told PTI here.Sarangi also corroborated the statement made by Reliance Retail president Raghu Pillai who had said "we will open the stores only when we feel there is protection for our people and our property."RIL's retail business subsidiary had drawn up plans to open 145 groceries stores, processing plants, collection and distribution centres in various parts of the state.When asked whether the company has sought posting of police personnel at its stores, Sarangi said: "We have not asked for that."