As part of its Rs 25 crore capacity expansion, Rajasthan-based RK Marble group will make a fresh investment in Madhya Pradesh by setting up a processing unit near its Majoli mines site in District Jabalpur. |
The group is excavating coloured marble rocks from the Majoli mines, and is gearing up to take on Italian marble. The new unit will enhance the capacity of the group by 25 lakh square feet. Majoli mine marbles have been named "Wonder Marble", probably the first natural product that has been branded in India. |
Initially, the company will set up a processing unit to ensure the mines contribute 30 per cent to its turnover, which stood at Rs 210 crore in 2004-05. |
"We have plans to set up the Majoli processing unit with an investment of Rs 5 crore, which may go up to Rs 10 crore," Kamal Sogani, director, RK Marble, told Business Standard, adding, "the new unit will take shape within a year from now and will generate employment for 200 persons." |
RK Marble Ltd finds mention in the Guinness Book of World Records and is an ISO-certified company. It is known for being the biggest marble company in terms of the weight of marble it produces, which stands at 12 lakh tonnes a year. |
"We have registered a growth of 30 per cent last year, as against the 8 per cent growth of the industry and the new processing unit will boost Majoli's contribution to 30 per cent of our turnover," Sogani said. |
The company is exploring options of a stone park being developed by the state government in the nearby town of Katni. "Let the park be developed, and then we will decide on investing there. Much will hinge on the outcome of our ongoing random surveys in nearby areas," said Sogani. |
The company has plans to install two gang saws in the new unit with Italian technical tie-ups for polish, resins and treatment. Also the number of associate traders of the company in Madhya Pradesh will go up to five from one. "This will give a boost to our marketing," said Sogani. |
At present, the company produces marbles of 400,000 square feet per day, which can cater for the needs of at least 400 houses at very nominal rates of Rs 30-250 per square foot. |
Shining! |
- The group is excavating coloured marble rocks from the Majoli mines, and is gearing up to take on Italian marble
- The new unit is expected to enhance the capacity of the group by 25 lakh square feet
- Initially, the company will set up a processing unit to ensure the mines contribute 30 per cent to its turnover
- The new unit is expected to take shape within a year from now and will generate employment for 200 persons
- The company is also exploring the options of a stone park being developed by the state government in the nearby town of Katni
- At present, the company produces marbles of 400,000 square feet per day