Anil Ambani group company Reliance Power (RPower) expects to earn over Rs 2,000 crore for using energy efficient and environment friendly coal technology at its 4,000 Mw power project at Sasan in Madhya Pradesh.
Reliance Power's 4,000 Mw Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project using super-critical technology (efficient and environment friendly) has been registered with Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a company release said.
The registration with CDM-EB allows Sasan Project to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2.
The Project will generate approximately 22.5 million CERs for the initial 10 years of operation with the expected incremental revenue from the sale of CERs of over Rs 2,000 crore, the release said.
The CERs can be traded and sold, and will result in significant additional revenues for the super-critical Ultra Mega Power Project.
Reliance Power's Sasan Project is the first Ultra Mega Power Project from India to be registered with the CDM–EB.
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Sasan UMPP is a 3,960 Mw (6 units of 660 Mw each) super-critical technology based pit-head coal-fired power generating plant at Sasan, in Madhya Pradesh.
This is the first of the three UMPPs awarded to Reliance Power. It involves development of associated captive coal mines allotted to the company, which ensures fuel security.
The project would supply power to 14 off-takers in seven states benefitting over 35 crore Indians.
The estimated cost of the project (excluding coal mines) is about Rs 16,000 crore. The project is expected to commission in 2012-13.