Aiming at a turnover of Rs 50 crore in the current fiscal, Mumbai-based Sangini Diamonds plans to open 14 showrooms in Punjab. This was stated by Mahul Modh, chief executive officer, Sangini, at the launch of the company's second exclusive showroom in the state. |
"Last year, our turnover was Rs 30 crore and this year we have a target of Rs 50 crore turnover. To meet the target, the company has planned to open more showrooms including 14 in Punjab," Modh said. |
He said the company had tied up with oil-distribution company Hindustan Petroleum to open its exclusive showrooms at its outlets on deserving locations. |
Sangini has already opened six such outlets in Mumbai, Banglore, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Pune. |
Modh said the company was exporting to countries, including Dubai, Germany and the United States. |
Sangini Diamond Jewellery was launched in 2004 by the diamond trading company Geetanjali Group after acquiring Sangini in an equal partnership with Sanghavi Exports. |