Scotland, which is home to some pioneering efforts in biotechnology such as the first successful cloning experiment that created Dolly the sheep, is wooing Indian companies to set up joint ventures in all knowledge-based industries including biotechnology, software development and information technology services.
Brian Shaw, regional director, Asia-Pacific field operations, Scottish Development International, the body responsible for promotion of Scotland's international economic development, said: "We are seeking to develop more strategic alliances between companies in India and Scotland. We are also working towards having more knowledge transfers. This we plan to achieve not only by having more companies coming to India but also the other way round."
Scottish Development International is on a mission to identify genuine business opportunities between India and Scotland. Indian companies like Wipro and Digital already have development centres in Scotland and the Swiss body is pursuing them to enhance their operations.
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"Scotland is evolving from the manufacturing era and is moving towards development of a knowledge-based economy. In this process, manufacturing bases would get relocated to other areas. We recognise the fact that our future efforts at growth have to be based on differentiation, instead of just cost advantage," Shaw said.
The agency is working with local governmental agencies in India and is looking for opportunities to engage in business activities in the key areas of interest. In the field of biotechnology, the licensing of technologies already developed in cloning and associated areas are being explored.
"We are strengthening our advantages in commercialisation of our research findings and hope to attract international businesses to set up design and research and development centers. We would like to make Indian companies enthusiastic in doing business in Scotland and to pursue a relationship with us. This will enable both sides to leverage on global opportunities " he added.