Sentini Bioproducts Ltd, a diversified group based in Andhra Pradesh, plans to set up a distillery West Bengal with an investment of Rs 40 crore by the end of this year. |
The project is part of the company's ambitious expansion plan to invest Rs 200 crore in setting up six distilleries across India by April 2008. |
The plant would start commercial production next month, said TVV Ashok Kumar, deputy general manager (marketing), Senitini. |
Apart from West Bengal, the company plans to set up bottling units in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Kerala. The company was also planning to start bottling units in the north eastern states, said Kumar. |
Initially Senitini will roll out two brands, namely Officers Special Premium Grain whiskey and Crazy Monk Triple X rum, followed by twelve other by April next. The minimum capacity of each of the distilleries would be 1 lakh cases per month, and would be spread between 2-3 acres of land, informed Kumar. |
"About 30 to 40 per cent of the capacity of our distilleries will be used for our own brands, and the rest will be used for packaging other brands, depending on our future tie-ups with liquor companies," he said. |