SG Private Banking and Rockefeller and Company have been jointly named 'Outstanding Wealth Manager for Family Office Services' by the magazine Private Banker International.
The two partners were among the top three finalists in the category 'Most Exciting New Wealth Management Model', a statement issued here said.
SG Private Banking, the wealth management arm of Socit Gnrale, is one of the leading private banks world-wide.
Private Banker International magazine is an international publication dedicated to wealth management.
These accomplishments recognise the two wealth management players, who are sharing their expertise in providing top-class services for ultra high net worth individuals and family offices around the world, the statement said.
Private Banker International has also recognised the management of SG Private Banking on an international level, awarding Global CEO of SG Private Banking, Daniel Truchi, the title of 'Outstanding Global Private Banker' and Nipun Mehta, Executive Director and CEO of Socit Gnrale Wealth Management in India, the title of 'Outstanding Young Private Banker', it said.
The private bank was also singled out as one of the top three wealth management leaders in the categories 'Outstanding Private Bank in Europe' and 'Outstanding Wealth Manager for Innovation of Products and Services'.
SG Private Banking was also named 'Best Private Bank world-wide and in Europe for its offer in Structured Products' and 'Best Private Bank in Luxembourg and Japan'(Euromoney) in 2009.