Royal Dutch Shell Plc may cut as many as 3,600 staff in its information-technology division and hire other companies for the work, the Sunday Telegraph reported today without saying where it got the information. |
London-based Shell decided to contract out most of its IT operations, nominating Electronic Data Systems Corp, T-Systems International GmbH and AT&T Inc, the newspaper said. |
Shell plans a series of meetings with employees starting January 8 to outline details, according to the report. The plan to allocate the work to other companies is "substantial" and likely to create "uncertainty", said an e-mailed letter signed by Goh Swee Chen, vice president of IT Infrastructure, the newspaper reported. |
The letter was posted on an employees' web site and confirmed by Shell as authentic, the Telegraph added. |
Shell wants the new IT arrangements to take effect by July 1, the newspaper said. |