Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision, an integrated film production, distribution and exhibition house, today listed on the NSE at Rs 193 with a premium of 21 per cent against its offer price of Rs 160.The scrip was listed on the BSE at Rs 189.90 with a premium of 18.69 per cent. The scrip closed at Rs 226.50 on the BSE showing a whopping gain of 41.56 per cent.The day's trading volume on the BSE was 1,60,47,126 shares, while that on the NSE was 1,73,10,656 shares.The scrip saw an intra-day high of Rs 248.10 on the BSE.The company entered capital market with an initial public offering of 37,28,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each through book building process. The issue was oversubscribed 5.12 times when it closed on . The issue proceeds would be mainly utilized for purchasing pre and post- production equipment required for film-making and the production of the three untitled movies, the cost of which is estimated to be around Rs 45.90 crore.