Simplex Infrastructures has bagged orders worth Rs 1,006.61 crore from the Gulf, taking its current order book to around Rs 7,000 crore.Simplex has pouched a Rs 654.60 crore order from the Gulf Cement Company. The scope of the work includes various on-shore mechanical, electrical equipment erection, commissioning assistance and civil work for cement plant.The company has received another order worth Rs 352.01 crore from Al Mazaya Real Estate, Dubai, which involves execution, construction, completion and rectifying of defects of six independent buildings at Uwan, Dubailand, Dubai. Both the projects are scheduled to be completed in a period of 24 months.Amitabh Mundhra, director, Simplex Infrastructures, said, "The two projects have helped us in not only strengthening our presence in the Middle East, but also represent Simplex Infra's efficiency in handling huge projects. Simplex Infra is expanding its wings and our order book has crossed over Rs 7,000 crore (approx); over 30% of it are form the overseas market."