Simplex Concrete Piles order book has swelled to Rs 3,800 crore, with the company bagging new project orders worth Rs 822 crore.The company had recently received a Rs 128 crore project order from Kolkata Municipal Corporation for its World Bank-funded sewage revamping network, it said in a press release.The company has also bagged an other for Rs 208 crore from Jindal Power for structural and architectural works package for its 1000mw thermal power project in Tamna, Chhattishgarh, it added.Besides, the company has also received project orders worth Rs 218 crore from Andhra Pradesh goverment for flood flow main canal in Karimnagar district, it said.Simplex said it also got the order for Chennai bypass project for imporving access to the golden quadrilateral corridor worth Rs 196 crore.The company said it has also in its kitty a Rs 72 crore project order from BHEL for Santaldih thermal power station in West Bengal.