Kesoram Industries Ltd has sold its refractory division to a Singapore-based firm, Shashawat International, for Rs 5.5 crore. |
According to the agreement, Sheshawat will pay the money for the Kulti plant in instalments. The sale proceeds will prop up Kesoram's bottomline. |
The sale brought relief to the Birla company as it found it difficult to persuade the labourers with the hive off decision. Workers even did not let the willing buyers to inspect the factory a few months ago. |
The refractory division is based in West Bengal with an installed capacity of 36,000 tonne. It employs 300 workers. |
The company has also closed down its oil and extraction division at Malkapur in Maharashtra. It has a crushing capacity of 92,200 tonne of seeds and cottonseeds, 95,000 tonne of oil cakes and expeller oil cakes and 7,300 tonne of rice bran and refined cottonseed oil. Commercial production at both the units have been closed for quite some time. |
The hiving off of the refractory business and closing down of units was part of the plan to pull out of small and non-viable businesses. The core business of the company includes cement, rayon, spun pipes and tyres. |
Kesoram had recently closed down the financial activities division named Birla Century. The company had separated its textiles business under the name of Kesoram Textiles nearly four years ago. |
Last year it merged KICM Investment Ltd, a 100 per cent subsidiary, with itself. The Scheme was effected from April 1, 2003. |