Sintex plans Rs 410cr expansion over 4 yrsOur Web Bureau / Mumbai August 28, 2006Sintex Industries has chalked out a four-year, Rs 410 crore expansion plan. According to a release issued by the company to the BSE today, Rs 180 crore is to be invested in the textile division and Rs 230 crore in the plastics division."The textile division, which currently has an annual capacity of 21 million meter, is to be expanded to 24 million meter by FY08 at a cost of Rs 70 crore in Phase I. In Phase II, the capacity will be enhanced by an additional five million meter to 29 million meter by 2008-09. The second phase will be completed at a cost of Rs 80 crore. The company is also setting up a new garmenting facility to be commissioned by September 2007 at a cost of Rs 35crore," the release added.Managing director Amit Patel said: "We have a significant presence in men