Somany Ceramics, one of the leading ceramic manufacturer in India, the profit before tax recorded an increase of 105.5 per cent rising to Rs 5.28 crore from Rs 2.57 crore in the same period last year. The company reported an increase of 19 per cent in net sales to Rs 99.59 crore as against Rs 83.75 crore in the corresponding quarter last year.
Commenting on the company’s performance, Abhishek Somany, joint managing director, Somany Ceramics, said: “We are satisfied with our performance considering the slowdown in the Indian economy. It has been possible due to our increased focus on value added sales, aggressive marketing and commitment towards setting new standards in quality and design of our products.”
Speaking on the future outlook of the company he said, “Forging ahead with our expansion plans, we are enhancing our production capacity by 3 million sq mt at our manufacturing plant in Kasar (Haryana), which would be commissioned by the end of current financial year.”