To steer ahead of cut-throat competition in the Rs 300-crore Hollywood movie channel market, Sony Pix is now focusing on striking deals with major studios and film distributors for exclusive movie premieres.
"The biggest drive for us is our exclusive content which is a result of our deals with all major Hollywood studios," Amogh Dusad, channel's head of programming mix, told PTI during an event here.
Besides striking a deal with Sony Picture Entertainment (SPE) for exclusive television premiere rights to the channel in India, they also have similar tie-ups with other major Hollywood studios like MGM, Universal, Paramount Pictures, Lionsgate and Reliance Entertainment.
The official said the channel from the Multi Screen Media stable has been making huge investments in acquiring brand new Hollywood films like 'The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn', 'Star Trek', 'Watchmen', 'GI Joe Rise Of Cobra', 'SPY GAME', 'Surfs Up', and 'Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium'.