Sony India today launched the visual audio-integrated operations (VAIO) personal computers (PCs) aimed at high-end home users who need a common platform for audio-visual entertainment and information technology. |
The VAIO products are designed to be compact, lightweight and are equipped with an intelligent user interface. |
Sony's foray into personal computing is based on the shift in customer preferences to content intensive usage of PCs. The market for digital imaging and notebook PCs is set to increase 8 times during 2003-06, according to Katsuhiko Murase, senior manager, marketing, Sony India. |
The established players in the segment are Compaq, Dell and HCL. The IT and mobile product requirements are set to double the growth when compared to the audio visual segment, according to company estimates. |
The prices beginning at Rs 82,000 are estimated to generate a market share of at least 15-20 per cent, Kunimasa Suzuki, general manager, Sony Corporation IT & Mobile Solutions Network Compnay, said. |
Suzuki said, India had the potential to absorb the sophistication of the product. Besides after the rationalisation of the customs duty which will effectively be a zero customs duty regime as per WTO regulations 2005 onwards, the company is bound to benefit, he added. |
Importers will not have to pay 10 per cent import duty on its products, he added. Sony India has two software centres in Bangalore that engage in the production of embedded and other application software for counterparts. It has over 2000 dealers and distributors. the company operates out of 12 direct branch locations. |