Srei plans to garner Rs 75 crore through secured, redeemable NCDs of face value of Rs 1,000 and would have the option to retain over- subscription of up to Rs 75 crore, the company said in a draft prospectus filed with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi).
NCDs are loan-linked securities issued by a company and can't be converted into stocks. They usually carry a higher interest rate than a convertible debenture.
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"Public issue by Srei Infrastructure Finance of secured redeemable, non-convertible debentures of face value of Rs 1,000 each, for an amount up to Rs 750 million with an option to retain over-subscription up to Rs 750 million aggregating up to Rs 1,500 million," the draft prospectus said.
The funds raised through this issue would be used for various financing activities, to repay existing loans and for business operations, including capital expenditure as well as working capital requirements.
ICICI Securities, A K Capital Services, SPA Capital Advisors and Srei Capital Market are the lead managers to the issue. Karvy Investor Services, Integrated Enterprises, RR Investors Capital Services, SMC Capitals and Bajaj Capital are the co-lead managers.
Besides, Axis Trustee Services is acting as the debenture trustee to the issue and Karvy Computershare is the registrar to the issue.
Srei which is engaged in infrastructure financing in the country, had raked in Rs 336.34 crore from public issue of NCDs, in fiscal 2013-14.