The new facility will enable the members of MAIT and other electronics manufacturers to set up facilities to address the domestic and export market.
The EMC Park would consist of manufacturing units, component manufacturers of IT products, a common facility testing centre as well as facilities for training workers. Sri City will provide 100 acres of land for the EMC Park in Phase-1 and subject to demand, an additional 50 acres in Phase-2.
J V Ramamurthy, president, MAIT, said: "MAIT has since inception been providing advisory to hardware and electronic manufacturers on setting up facilities. MAIT has always been advocating for best in class infrastructure for the manufacturing companies in India. Our association with Sri City will aid manufacturers to avail the crème of facilities at their disposal."
Anwar Shirpurwala, Executive Director, MAIT, said, "EMC Park has a ready mix of infrastructure, educational institutions, hospitals and logistics, which makes it a natural choice for us to sign the MoU."
Ravindra Sannareddy, Managing Director, Sri City, said, "The domestic demand for the Electronic Hardware Industry is estimated to reach over $400 Billion by 2020 resulting in a huge opportunity for India to become an Electronic Hardware Manufacturing hub after China. Sensing this opportunity and the proposed Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Scheme, Sri City has tied up with MAIT to jointly work towards developing the EMC Park”.
He added, “The EMC Park would be co-branded and named as Sri City-MAIT Electronics Hardware Manufacturing Cluster Park.