The tournament, which scripted unprecedented success in its first year, launched on July 18 with the first match of the second season between Ronnie Screwvala’s UMumba and Abhishek Bachchan’s Jaipur Pink Panthers. The PKL is currently being telecast on eight channels under the Star India network - Star Gold, Star Sports 3, Star Sports HD2, Star Sports HD3, Maa Movies, Star Sports 2, Plus Suvarna and Star Pravah in five languages – Hindi, English, Telugu, Marathi and Kannada.
Average Match on Match thresholds of Pro Kabaddi League 2014 & 2015 for the first 14 matches | ||
Unit | 2014 | 2015 |
Average TVR (television rating) | 0.75 | 1.23 |
Average TSV(Min) | 14.56 | 19.36 |
Source : TAM Sports TG : Cable and Satellite viewers above 4 years of age More From This Section |
The ratings of the tournament have been significantly bolstered by the increase in average time spent per match per viewer. While in the 2014 season, the average TSV (time spent per viewer) was 14.56 minutes, this year, viewers are spending as much as 19.36 minutes per match on an average.
The increase in the viewership has justified the investments on the league by the broadcaster and advertisers alike. While the success of the first season attracted a number of brands to associate with the tournament, there was some amount of apprehension whether the PKL will live up to the benchmark it created for itself last year.
Taking ownership of the PKL, the Star India network has lent the Star Sports brand for title sponsorship last year. While it has retained the title sponsorship, the marketing team at Star Sports has managed to rope in around eight sponsors on the tournament. Some of the associate sponsors include TVS Motors, VIP Frenchie, Bajaj Electricals and Flipkart. Even FMCG players like Britannia have signed up this year.