Star Plus is all set to relaunch its popular quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) in another two to three months with Amitabh Bachchan back as the anchor. But this time the broadcaster is doubling the prize money to Rs 2 crore. |
With the re-launch, Star Plus expects its fortunes to get another big push. "We have about 85 episodes still to be completed with Bachchan," said Deepak Segal, executive vice-president (content & communication), Star India. |
The channel had originally signed the deal for airing 390 episodes of Kaun Banega Crorepati with Bachchan. "We had shown 305 in the first round. The programme was stopped it in December 31, 2001, after it was on air for about 18 months," he said. |
This time also the show will be produced by Siddharth Basu's Synergy Communications. |
As per the plans of the channel, the remaining 85 episodes are expected to be spread over four months with four-times-a-week schedule. |
The game show, in its first appearance had changed the fortunes of the channel and catapulted the channel to the number one spot in viewership and advertisement. |
Though the basic format of the show will be based on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the broadcaster may introduce some additional features. |
According to Segal, KBC is expected to sport a new look with certain additional feature. "We are looking at adding certain new things in the programme," he said. |
"Though the concept would be same, we would make it more interactive. We will be using mobile SMS as one ways to involve the audience more with the programme and this will be integrated with the show," he said adding that some changes would be made to the programme in terms of entry mechanism and marketing. |
Segal also said the channel is in talks with telecom operators to improve telephone connectivity for the show. "Last time, we had around 500 to 600 lines per region. This time the telecom companies are talking about 3, 000 lines,' he said. |