Clearing speculations on its entry into India, the world's biggest coffee chain Starbucks Coffee International today said it will open its first store in India by the end of this year."We target opening the doors of our first store by the end of 2007 in either New Delhi or Mumbai," Starbucks Coffee International Corporate Communications (Asia Pacific) T May Kulthol told PTI.The US-based company has been working closely with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to understand the existing foreign investment regulations better, he said."We are looking forward to offering the finest coffee in the world, handcrafted beverages, legendary service and the unique Starbucks experience to customers in India."For the purpose, the company has submitted a revised application to the government on April 13 to operate the single-brand retail stores in the country with a restructured entity.Starbucks entry into India became controversial when the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) rejected the previous application filed by the company's franchisee New Horizons, co-wned by NRI V P Sharma and Kishore Biyani, in December on the grounds that it exceeded 51% FDI limit.Starbucks submits fresh application for India foray