Chandra said the first project would be launched next month at Panchkula in Haryana, at the rate of Rs 1,500 per sq ft. The starting price of a flat will be Rs 15,00,000 and will go up to Rs 2,500,000. It will also build affordable homes in Hisar, Bahadurgarh and Rohtak in the first phase.
After Haryana, housing projects would be launched in Uttar Pradesh, Chandra said. Essel Group will facilitate projects in terms of technical know-how and management execution skills, and is scouting for partners to come on board.
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According to estimates, the shortage of housing units is expected to touch Rs 11 crore by 2022.
The project cost for 10,000 homes would be Rs 800 crore and the same would be funded through internal accruals and advances from customers against sales, the company said.
Essel Group is in talks with a Japanese construction company for developing these projects. “We will be tying up with a Japanese construction firm in the next two to three weeks,” Chandra said without revealing much detail.
The group would develop these projects through dedicated special purpose vehicles for each state. For Haryana, the group has short-listed a partner and it is looking for entrepreneurs for other states such as Uttar Pradesh.
The company would undertake outright purchase of land and also form joint ventures with land owners to develop the housing projects. “It is the best time to enter the affordable housing with real estate sector facing demand slowdown.”
Essel Group has presence in various sectors, including media, entertainment, packaging, infrastructure and education and technology, among others. The group's listed entities have a combined market capitalisation of around $6 billion.