Bharti Airtel today entered the coveted Rs 2 trillion club, joining the likes of Reliance Industries and state-run ONGC, while its chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal became India's fourth trillionaire in rupee terms.The Bharti Airtel scrip today surged 2.60% to Rs 1,067 on the Bombay Stock Exchange in afternoon trade taking its market capitalisation to Rs 2,02,627 crore intra-day. The scrip touched an all-time high of Rs 1,149 on the bourse earlier in the day.Mittal, who owns about 50% stake in Bharti Airtel, saw his wealth soar to Rs 1,01,314 crore (about $25.51 billion), joining trillionaires Mukesh Ambani, Anil Ambani and Azim Premji.