Bharti Enterprise Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal has been appointed as independent non-executive director on the board of global banking firm Standard Chartered PLC with effect from August 1."Sunil is one of the India's most successful and highly respected entrepreneurs and I am very pleased that we have additional board representation from such an important market," Standard Chartered Chairman Mervyn Davies said.Standard Chartered has also appointed Experian Group Ltd Chairman John Peace as the deputy chairman and senior independent director, the firm said in a regulatory filing.The bank's current senior independent director Rudy Markham would step down with effect from August 1, the statement added.Mittal heads Bharti Enterprises, which is the controlling shareholder of the country's top mobile operator Bharti Airtel."The appointments of John Peace and Sunil Mittal strengthen our governance and add great depth and diversity to our board," Davies added.The bank derives over 90 per cent of profits from Asia, Africa and the Middle East and serves both consumer and wholesale banking customers worldwide.Standard Chartered PLC is listed on London Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange.