Wind power equipment maker Suzlon Energy today said that it would start operations in South Africa and expand in South America, where the company has a presence in Brazil.
"We will expand our operations to 3-4 countries... In South Africa and South America... We have just started in Brazil. We are looking at Canada as another potential country," Suzlon Energy CMD Tulsi Tanti told PTI.
"Considering the European Union's 2020 target of increasing dependence on renewable energy sources, we are also looking at expanding our operations to (European) countries," Tanti said.
When asked about the capital expenditure for the current financial year, Tanti said, "We would raise the manufacturing capacity of our equipment to support power generation of 5,700 Mw by June this year, from the current 4,000 Mw, and it would be sufficient for 2009 and 2010."
"We do not require any additional capital expenditure in the next two years (till December 2010) as our focus is on operational efficiency and consolidating our business," he said.
On Indian operations, Tanti said, "During 2008-09, we received orders, for equipment, to generate 900 Mw. This fiscal, we expect the same as there has been no growth in the past two years."
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On the sector's profitability prospects amid recession, he said that though it would be flat 2009, but the industry would maintain a status quo or may even witness negative growth of about 5 per cent.
"As far as growth of the industry is concerned, there would be status quo during this year (2009). But negative growth of up to 5 per cent can be recorded," Tanti said.
Suzlon Energy has a manufacturing base in India, China and the United States of America. It has operations in 21 countries across the world.