Nearly 2,000 T-shirts with unauthorised Mercedez Benz logos printed on them were seized by the Tamil Nadu police during a raid conducted in a garment and hosiery manufacturing unit in Tirupur on October 26. |
The raid was conducted by the police on the basis of information provided by EIPR (Enforcers of Intellectual Property Rights), an ISO certified firm, and Daimler Chrysler. |
According to EIPR's media release, the raid was conducted at Jenifar Garments, Tirupur. Goods worth Rs 5 lakh including 2,000 T-shirts and a positive screen, which was being used to print the Mercedez Benz emblem (a copyright of Daimler Chrysler, the auto major) were confiscated. |
M K Ramamurthy, regional head (south) of EIPR, told Business Standard that the activity of the firm was in clear violation of Daimler Chrysler's Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). |
"As the manufacturer of Mercedez Benz range of cars, Daimler Chrysler regularly faces the prospect of its logos, designs, and other intellectual property being misused very often," said Ramamurthy. |
"There are some of the knitting firms in Tirupur indulging in such activities without getting permission from the owners of the logos and products. We are planning to continue with the raids," he added. |