Tata Tea has posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 443.35 crore for the year ended March 31, 2007 (FY07) where as the same was at Rs 299.15 crore FY06.According to a release issued by the company to BSE today, total income for FY07 stood at Rs 4,103.22 crore in while the same was Rs 3,150.86 crore in FY06."The previous period's figures have been regrouped to conform to the current period's figures. These figures are not strictly comparable with figures reported for the current year, due to business acquisitions in the current year," the release said.On a stand alone basis, the company has posted a profit after tax of Rs 306.57 crore in FY07 where as the same was at Rs 186.93 crore in the preceding financial year. Total income stood at Rs 1,146.11 crore, while as the same was Rs 1,040.010 crore in FY06.For the quarter ended March 31, 2007 (Q4FY07), the company has posted a profit after tax of Rs 3.89 crore where as the same was at Rs 19.32 crore in Q4FY06. Total income stood at Rs 259.03 crore while it was Rs 243.53 crore in Q4FY06.The Tata Tea board of directors, which met today, has recommended a dividend of Rs 15/- per equity share of 10 each, for FY07.