Tata Teleservices added 8.69 lakh new subscribers in November after the launch of its `non-stop mobile, free incoming for two years' scheme.The company has now set an ambitious target of reaching the mark of nine million mobile subscribers by the end of 2005 from the current level of over 7.1 million. Darryl Green, chief executive officer of Tata Teleservices, said: "The company has not lost any revenue in offering free incoming for two years. My board is delighted with the financial performance of Tata Indicom. We are delighted to attain market leadership. The milestone speaks volumes for the faith and trust customers have shown in our services."The company is also planning to apply for national long distance (NLD) licence in January when the recently announced new licence fee of Rs 2.5 crore takes effect."With the entry costs so low, we are considering going in for a long distance licence. We may apply next month when the new fee cut announcement takes effect," Naresh Malhan, president (north India operations) of Tata Teleservices, said."The company is planning to cover the entire 23 circles by the end of next year. Tata Teleservices is busy with the expansion of networks in its existing 20 circles," Malhan added.