Broadcast tribunal Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) today directed Zee-Turner, distributors of Zee and other channels, to provide signals to Tata Sky, a direct-to-home (DTH) service provider."Respondent (Zee-Turner) would supply all its 32 channels from all bouquets to the petitioner (Tata Sky) within 48 hours," TDSAT chairman Justice Arun Kumar said after admitting the prayer of Tata Sky, an 80:20 Tata-Star venture, in this regard.During the proceedings, Tata Sky requested the tribunal to direct Zee-Turner to provide signals and fix subscription rate somewhere in between the price demanded by Zee (Rs 150) and that proposed by the company (Rs 118)."Festive season of Deepawali is coming in which lots of entertainment programmes are telecast, and our consumer base would suffer because of non-availability of these feeds," Abhishek Manu Singhvi, appearing for Tata Sky, said."Any delay in the issue would ultimately hamper the commercial interest of this new venture," he added.Accepting the plea, TDSAT directed both companies to finish their pleadings before November.