Telco tribunal asks Hathway to pay Rs 14.5-cr dues to Multi Screen Media
Urvi Malvania Mumbai Following an appeal by Multi Screen Media (MSM), regarding multi-system operator (MSO) Hathway’s decision to shift to an a la carte business model before the existing contract concluded, the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) on August 14 had passed an order recording the undertaking by Hathway Cable & Datacom (Hathway) to pay Rs 14.5 crore towards subscription fee dues to MSM Media Distribution (MSM Media Distribution). The MSO has until October 31 to clear the dues. TDSAT ruled that Hathway had to honour the commitment under the deal for the entire term for DAS Phase I areas till October 31 and has to pay the subscription fees in accordance with the deal.
Rajesh Kaul, President, MSM Media Distribution said, “The order is a good sign for the industry that the MSO hasbeen asked to honour the contract with us. It will set a precedent in the industry.”
Under the order, Hathway can move to RIO(reference-interconnect offer) or ala-carte model for MSM channels whichinclude Sony Entertainment Television, Sony Pix, Sony Six, Sab TV, AXN and SonyMax. However, the MSO will have to continue paying the broadcaster as per thecurrent contract, irrespective of the model followed until October 31, when the agreement expires.