An agitated Indian skipper Anil Kumble on Sunday hardly minced words in blaming the atrocious umpiring by Mark Benson and Steve Bucknor for his side's heart-breaking loss to Australia in the second cricket Test here today."It's there for everyone to see, I am not going to comment on it," was Kumble's sarcastic response when asked what he thought was the difference between the two sides."(The umpiring) was there for everyone to see but it was important for us to keep those things out of our mind. We lost a little bit of focus. I think we should have batted the last two sessions," he added.India crashed to a 122-run defeat against Ricky Ponting's side largely due to a rash of utterly atrocious given by Benson and Bucknor."We played fantastic cricket from day one after the loss in Melbourne. We even took a lead in the first innings but unfortunately could not save the match. Even today a couple of things did not go our way," he said.Kumble said he could understand the umpires getting it wrong on a few occasions but their consistent errors probably cost India a chance to go 1-1 with Australia ahead of the third Test in Perth."We understand that things happen in a match and you have to get on with it but there were too many things happening in this one. And it's difficult to keep your focus in the face of all this. But we tried hard... played brilliantly," Kumble said, trying to put up a brave face.