Three Indian women — all from the corporate sector — find a spot on the Forbes list of 100 most powerful women in the world, topped by US First Lady Michelle Obama. Chennai-born PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi came in at No 6, while Axis Bank CEO Shikha Sharma and ICICI Bank Managing Director & CEO Chanda Kochhar were ran-ked 89th and 92nd, respectively.
For the 2010 exercise, Forbes magazine also divided the candidates under four heads: politics, business, media and lifestyle. It ranked the women in each group separately, apart from the overall ranking. Nooyi, Sharma and Kochhar fell in the business category, where they were ranked No 2, 33 and 35, respectively.
However, while ICICI Bank is in a consolidation phase after booking large losses on unsecured retail loans, Axis Bank has been growing at a frenetic pace. Over the past five years, it has grown its assets by almost 30 per cent every year. Sharma had to fight very public opposition to her getting the job from outgoing Axis chairman P J Nayak. “Every job comes with its tough decisions, and this has not been any different,” she told Forbes.
The 100 most powerful women list was topped by US First Lady Michelle Obama, followed by Irene Rosenfeld, CEO of the $40-billion snack food company Kraft. TV show host Oprah Winfrey and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also figured among the top 10.