Titan Industries expects Raga, the women's brand, to fetch Rs 150 crore turnover by the end of this financial year. The company intends to accessorise the brand to tap the trend amongst women to buy multiple watches. The company executives claimed that according to their survey almost 37% women in large cities do not own a dress watch. Titan plans to position Raga in this segment, which is seeking watch as an accessory.Harish Bhat, COO -Watches, Titan Industries, said, "Raga is positioned to emote the unique sensuality and style, offering accessible luxury to the women. The brand has sold 5 lakh watches since its re-launch last year and we expect it to 7 lakh units this year." Titan has introduced Raga Crystals, a collection of 25 designs studded with Swaroski crystals. It has identified women, youth and young professionals as the growing categories for this year.