Flipkart’s head of commerce, Mukesh Bansal, informed its employees of the exits in an e-mail on Thursday. Business Standard reviewed the mail. A response from the company was awaited till the time of publishing this article. “While Malvyia will don the role of an advisor in the recently constituted advisory board of the commerce platform at Flipkart and Nigam will go back to his days of entrepreneurship in the technology space,” Bansal wrote in the mail.
Nigam joined Flipkart after Mime360, a digital distribution platform he founded, was acquired by Flipkart in 2011. Mime360 was later rebranded to Flyte and shut within a year of its launch. Nigam headed the digital verticals — music and eBooks — and led digital marketing and product and engineering at Flipkart before his exit. Malvyia will join the company’s advisory board along with Sudhir Sitapati of Unilever, who was recently appointed. “The advisory board has been created to help manage the direct fast-paced growth at Flipkart, with deep domain expertise in different areas,” he said. The last major rejig was in November last year.
These exits came in the backdrop of a series of other high-level exits that the start-up space in the country has been witnessing within a week. While Housing.com co-founder Rahul Yadav was dismissed by its board of directors from the company, TaxiForSure chief executive Arvind Singhal quit on Wednesday.