TRAI sources told PTI that the company wrote to the regulator late last week saying it is undergoing "deep financial stress" and the recent reports that it may file for bankruptcy have created a "chaotic situation" with its subscribers, distributors and retailers and partners, with whom the company has had a long standing relationship.
Aircel has approached the regulator for extending the validity of additional port out codes to enable subscribers to move on to other networks without changing their number under mobile number portability.
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Aircel did not respond to an email query on the issue.
In its letter to TRAI last week, the company said it has been severely impacted by a major infrastructure provider shutting off as much as a third of its total sites in different circles or telecom service areas across the country.
"As an emergency measure, we are working out intra circle roaming arrangements with other telecom service providers to help our subscribers remain connected (keeping the criticality of mobile connectivity which is linked to a host of other essential services) and also that they may opt for porting if they choose to...," Aircel said.