The product helps in real-time tracking and offline tracking with facility like route tracing. The past field records can be fetched by just entering the required date and time. Seefones is cloud based mobile application for real time order reporting. Field executives can take order against the listed customer with product, quantity and pricing details. Feroz Rehman, managing director said that the phone which has seefones employee application will always be under the survillence of the employer.
The required information will be transmitted from the employee app to the central cloud data pool. Employer can get all the details in his office, which includes tracking, punching, orders taken, call log and contact synchronisation etc. The location based information will be fetched by the mobile application via Assisted GPS technology, said Feroz Rehman. The product helps in brining live visibility to the entire workforce through a single window even when the employee’s phone is in out of coverage area. The unique location punching feature facilitates the employees to notify their managers about the commencement and completion of each assignment. For companies, the application helps in keeping all corporate contacts and call records intact, helps in customer follow-up as all the marketing calls will be recorded.
“We have received positive response for the product from not less than 50 test runs we conducted and is now ready for launch in the market. The test runs were conducted with our existing clients and they are satisfied with the product. We have already received some inquiries from various companies, said Gis George, Executive Chairman of the company.
The company has also diversified its business focus to the telematics sector and is presently conducting R&D for innovative products in this area. ‘Telematics is one of the emerging markets. Our product Seefones also use the basic technology of Telematics such as GPS tracking, but we wanted to focus with specific products for this huge market as research states that Indian telematics market is expected to reach $113.7 million by 2018, Feroze added.